Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's a BOY!

I know I am always late writing in this thing, it's not my intention it just happens. We found out on October 19th that we are having a boy! No question about it, the ultrasound was clear as day. We are so thrilled! I think God has a sense of humor about the whole thing because until we found out what we were having we could not agree on a girls name! We always had a boy name for the most part agreed on, but when it came to girls I like more southern names and Aaron didn't like them as much. I'm sure God was just laughing at us every time we talked about it. :) His name will be Gage Aaron after his daddy. I can already tell he is a lot like Aaron. He kicks after I eat ice cream, Aaron's favorite, and he loves to kick all night long. Aaron has always been a night person. I'm preparing myself for an Aaron Jr and i wouldn't have it any other way!

Love, Aaron, Amy, and Baby Gage due in 17 weeks!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Surprise #2!!!!!

So as you probably all know by know Aaron and I are expecting our first baby. A doctor once told us we could never have kids and all I really want to say to him is...well, its not appropriate, but if any of you really know me please fill in the blanks.

Currently I am at 17 weeks and coming up in a couple weeks we get to find out what it is! I am beyond ecstatic!

My first trimester was less then appealing, but thank goodness teachers have summers off. I was sick! Some days were better than others, but from week 7 until about week 12 or 13 I was miserable. As soon as school started though I started to feel better and now I feel great. I'm tired a lot, but at least I can say goodbye morning sickness. Although it was night sickness for me, but the point is that its over! We can't wait to find out what it is so we can really start planning and narrowing down bedding and names. We feel so blessed to be entering the world of parenthood. :)

Other great news is Aaron finally has a job! He is a case manager for MHMR in the Early Childhood Intervention program. He work with kids 0-3 years of age and assess how they are meeting their milestones. He loves it and I love it form him. The only hard part is that he works in Amarillo which is an hours drive from our home in Clarendon.

Another great thing is we finally have a home. Again we are just renting, but we really want to see where the next few years take us so renting is perfect for us right now. Its a cute 3 bedroom 2 bath home with a fence for our puppies to play. It's plenty of space for us to start a family. I miss my family back in Houston, but so far God has blessed us with jobs, a home, and a new baby so moving here was part of His plan all along. Who knew I could ever live in small town? I'm surprising myself!


Amy, Aaron, Belle, Apollo and Baby Kidd :)

Friday, May 14, 2010


I have officially surprised Aaron for the first time EVER in the 3+ years we have been together! If we had a working camera I would post pictures, but we don't so just take my word for was awesome!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

bad and good

I have lived in the Conroe area for going on 3 years now and not once have I ever been summoned for jury duty...until today. I am scheduled to show up on May 24th at 8 a.m. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, BUT it just so happens May 24th is my 2 year anniversary AND 2 weeks before I am moving to Clarendon! Not that Aaron will be in town to celebrate our anniversary, but come on, what are the odds that right before I move and on my anniversary I have to go sit in jury duty.
23 days until I get to see Aaron again
36 days until we are finally living under the same roof!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

new direction

These past 2 weeks have been say the least. I have had to say goodbye to my husband who left go to work, bury Aaron's grandad who died suddenly, say goodbye to Aaron AGAIN after the funeral, start packing our house and dealing with tying up of loose ends of our life here in Montgomery. As the school year is ending and I am coming closer to the realization that yes, we are moving over 500 miles away, my emotions are unpredictable. Really these past 2 years have been emotional and draining. As every newlywed couple has experienced its hard to balance, work, finances, and marriage. We have dealt with infertility, uncertainties about buying a house, changing jobs, and so forth.

This past weekend was amazing. I was able to see my beautiful niece, Alexia, dance in her first spring show, watch my nephew play in a soccer game and score 2 goals, and lastly, find out that my youngest niece Maddy will begin playing violin next year as she enters junior high. While I am grateful for the time I have been able to spend with them, I am also saddened that I will not be able to continue watching them grow up as closely as I have been up to this point. I love them to death and its hard to realize that I won't be able to drive an hour to watch Jordan play or see Maddy have her first orchestra recital. I know that God has a plan for us. He has revealed himself to us in so many ways and opened doors for us that we didn't know existed, but at the same time it is hard to leave everything behind that we have become accustomed to.

On the other hand this move will give us the opportunity to spend time with Aaron's family and our other niece and nephew. They are so little and it will be great to be a part of their lives as they grow. Since Aaron was laid off back in January we have really been praying for God to show us his love and able us to hear his voice in this hard time. In times of such turmoil it is hard to hear Gods voice, but He is faithful and true. God has shown us without a doubt that we are making the right choice in moving to Clarendon. Everything in the past 2 years that we have struggled with came to light. 1.We never bought a house 2. Before Aaron was laid off we decided to hold off on fertility treatments 3. The week Aaron was scheduled to begin his new job in Clarendon, his grandad took a turn for the worse and he was able to see him before he passed 4. Aaron has had a few job offers and teaching positions began to randomly open up in Clarendon when before nothing was available for us here in Montgomery, etc...I wish I could list all the ways He has spoken to us, but these are just a few. How awesome is our God!

I know this blog is all over the place, but I guess its just another way for me to process what our lives are like. I miss my husband dearly, but I am thankful that he is so faithful and dedicated to providing for us. I can't wait to be with him again and start our lives in Clarendon. I will miss this place and the people here, but I know we are headed in the right direction. God is good.

Proverbs 23:18
1 Peter 5:10-11

Love, Amy

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Oh my, has it really been over 6 months since I last posted? I know I always seem to do an update in my blogs about our lives every time i write, but I REALLY have a lot of updating to do. Honestly there is so much to write about it overwhelms me. So here is the short and sweet version of the Kidd family as of March 28th! Our lives pretty much turned upside down back in January. Aaron and I were at a place where we didn't feel completely settled here in Conroe. We were happy, but we always thought there was something more out there for us. We had always planned in the next 5 years or so to move towards the Dallas area, we were just uncertain of when that would be and what it would take to get us there. I mean why up and move our lives when we have jobs, a place to live, and so on? Well God took care of the wondering for us, in a really unexpected way when Aaron lost his job. Talk about a crappy start to a new year! Although it was s shock and things have been tough, God has been good to us through it all. We have learned to rely on each other and actually talk to one another more often. I think life gets so crazy sometimes its easy to just get in a routine and forget to sit and talk to your spouse, but we have had some good heart to hearts about where we are at now and what God is trying to teach us. Obviously, Conroe is not the place for us, I think we felt that all along, but we didn't expect to have to make changes like this. We have some things in the works and are desperately trying to be patient and let God lead us where he wants us. When we find out where the next step in our lives is we will share with you. Right now I am just thankful that we can feel God working in us and we know he has an awesome plan. It is a blessing in disguise that we are going through all these changes, I think we are both just ready to be on the other side of it all!

And I believe that is all she wrote. For today anyway, maybe I will be really ambitious and write again tomorrow. That would definitely be a first!

Have a great night!!
Love, A & A

P.S. Did I mention that I have the best husband ever because he made me Chuy's creamy jalapeno sauce?!!