Monday, February 23, 2009

just a little of me

Instead of giving the normal Kidd family update I am going to write about whats been on my heart lately. A few of our family memebers already know and those are pretty much the only ones who read this so it won't be anything new.
Aaron and I have been talking a lot lately about having children. I have felt very stongly from a young age that I am called not only to be a teacher, wife, and Christian, but also to be a mommy. I know babies don't stay small forever and that they are expensive and blah blah blah.....but truly I feel God has always been calling me to be a parent. Having children should be an easy thing for most people, but for me it won't be. I already know I will have a hard time having kids and these past few months have proved that. For the past few months we have been thinking "if it happens it happens if it doesnt then well it doesnt" but even more so lately I feel that I need to go a step further and see the doctor about it. So on March 10th we head to to the doctor to see if I am just a worrier as I tend to be or if my concerns are a reality.
I write this only to ask for prayer as we lead into our first official doctors visit. I am not writing to expose our lives or anyhting of the sorts, but for those couple of you who actually read this to please pray for us. Pray for me that I can give it ALL to God and not worry about it. Please pray for me that I can stay strong and know that in God's timing everything is made perfect for His glory. In reality any child that I may be blessed to be a mommy to is God's child and just a gift to me while we are here.
Please also pray for Aaron who is such a wonderful husband. He is patient with me and the sweetest man I could have ever been blessed with. Please pray that through whatever it is the road we go down that Aaron will sense God's direction upon our family and I follow his lead.

Thank you and we love you,
Aaron and Amy

Sunday, February 8, 2009

We're back!

3 months since we last posted? SORRY!!

Life has been a little crazy. So for now I will give you a little update with many promises to keep this blog rolling along in the future. We don't get to see those we love and care about as much as we would like and I apologize for not doing a better job with this thing.

First I will start with Aaron. He is still hot as ever and the love of my life. I am the luckiest girl in the world to see my best friend everyday and be able to kiss him goodbye every morning before work. His job is going great and we love the kids and their families dearly. Aaron has started drawing again and drew a very cute picture of our puppies last night.

My job is rolling along great as well. I have a couple more tests to take for my certification so please keep praying for me about those. They are very difficult and I can't wait to have them behind me!

Belle is just a doll. She is the sweetest puppy and very loving. She loves to play and run in our backyard and every once in a while dig! I think she heard a while back you could get to China by digging to other side...she is convinced she can do it!

Apollo is a constant blur of a dog running around the house. We have resorted to using a shock collar to train him now that he has learned to climb over the fence. He definitely keeps us on our toes. He is starting to calm down and thank goodness is finally potty trained!

We have also started to finally decorate our house and try to make it into a much is allowed without painting. I can't wait to own a house one day and be able to decorate how we want, but for now we know we are blessed to finally be in a house even though we are renting.

I promise to write more later...really I promise! But i hear Nascar on the TV and I have more papers to grade for my kiddos.

Love you all,
Aaron, Amy, Rocky, Belle, and Apollo.