Thursday, August 13, 2009

why i love him

I have poison ivy...again....

I had it back in May when school was almost out and it was all over my arm and legs. Well this time school starts in less then a week and yet again the poison has returned! I will spare you pictures of what it looks like because basically its just disgusting. I have it on my arm, leg, and a little on my belly button (I have no idea why) and it REALLY HURTS! The first time I got it I was trying to help Aaron clear out the vines along our back fence so the dogs wouldn't get into them and eat them. Well we didn't know there was poison ivy in it and needless to say a week later I had it all over me. This time we think the dogs passed it to me. With the heat and no rain the vines and weeds have grown so big that it touches the ground and the dogs play with the neighbors dog along the back fence. Before we figured since it had been all summer and I never got poison ivy again that it was gone...until the beginning of this week when that all familiar red rash started to appear. Gross I know!

So Aaron has spent all evening in the backyard trimming the vines and branches to make the nasty stuff go away! There is nothing I can do to help him because I am so allergic to it. He however is not allergic. A husbands of one of the ladies at work has a home exterior business so we are going to have him come out on Saturday to give us an estimate on clearing out the roots and everything so it doesn't grow back. Thank God!

But for now I am thankful for my hubby who is by himself, wearing pants, a long sleeve shirt in the summer heat, cutting away so I don't itch anymore.

This is one of the many reasons why I love him!

Monday, August 10, 2009

growing up random thoughts

So i was making a birthday wish list in my head the other night, you know just thinking of a few things that I might want for my birthday and this is what I came up with...

1. A salad spinner

2. Serving spoons, the ones with the holes in them so juices can drain

3. Medium sized mixing bowl (Apollo ate part of our old one)

4. Clothes...a constant on any list of mine :)

5. jewelry from James Avery is always nice

6. Jason Mraz CD

7. Britney Spears concert tickets

When I look at the list is just reminders me that I am not in the "college" stage of my life anymore or the "fresh out of college doing my own thing" stage. I have officially entered into adulthood. I never in a million years would have thought I would ask for a salad spinner or serving spoons for my birthday! But here we are fixing to turn 27 this year! I can't believe how fast life has flown by. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was celebrating my birthdays on 6th street. Oh good memories! So much has changed over the past 10 years and its amazing to see how God has shaped my life.

Everything I said I wouldn't do, I ended up doing, and they are things that have changed my life for the better. Here are just 2 examples. First, I said I would never marry a minister. I thought I was too opinionated to be married to one, but God knew me better. Second, I swore I would never meet anyone over the Internet. I thought it was stupid and a waste of time. Now, I do still truly believe that Aaron and I would have meet at Mary-Hardin Baylor, but I was stubborn back then and didn't want to let God take over my life, I thought I knew it all and transferred out of the college the same semester Aaron transferred into it. Just a couple examples...

I guess all of this to say, its just amazing to me that I am going to be 27 this year and to see where I am. Just 3 years ago I had no idea where my life was headed and what was in store for me, but God is good and He knew it all.

Let go and let God, He knows what is best for you and He has perfect timing. :)

So yay for being 27 this year!!

And yes, I am VERY serious about wanting Britney Spears concert tickets too....


Sunday, August 2, 2009


So apparently some people (all family members, but thats ok!) actually read our family blog. Just thought I would write a little about our summer! Summer has gone by so incredibly fast! Aaron and I have traveled to Clarendon to surprise our family for the 4th of July, to Lumberton, TX for junior high mission trip, and to College Station for our high school mission trip. It was all very exhausting, but so much fun. While we were in Clarendon I got to experience my first turtle race, and it is no small ordeal, its huge! I have never seen more people in my life gathered in one place to watch turtles cross a finish line. I loved it! The whole atmosphere of the 4th of July with my in-laws deepened our desires to have children so they too can experience a 4th of July in Clarendon. I can't wait to have our kids enter the children's parade with their cousins, race turtles, and eat homemade ice cream. Although they might have to stay clear from their dad when its comes to to the fireworks part... jk!
Now that summer is coming to an end I am getting ready to head back into my classroom. I thought at the end of this past school year, that i would dread going back after such a long break, but I am actually excited! I am doing a teamwork themed classroom for the kids and I am having a lot of fun decorating and planning. It has been a great summer, but I'm ready for a routine again. Any ideas for my classroom are very welcome! :)
Puppies are good. Well i guess they aren't puppies anymore, but they are to me. Apollo is going for his annual check-up in a couple weeks and I can't wait to see how much he weighs. Yes, I know we can weigh him ourselves, but every time we do it is never accurate. I estimate around 70lbs. I just know he is huge and i swear he thinks that he's a little Chihuahua or something. I don't think its possible for me to go one week without getting a bruise on my leg from him, but we are working on it. He's just a little slow at learning. I wonder if they have special dog obedience classes for "slow" learners like him...hmmm....
Aaron is wonderful. He constantly working away and finding new things to get into. This past week it has been a BB gun. He somehow managed to tear apart my air soft gun and turn his BB gun into some supped up type of thing that now has a laser to help aim with an extra trigger that does something...I don't really know. I DO know we now have a shelf in our garage with a rug on it as a background with tons of targets attached to it. I also heard him say that we need to get small plastic men to set up as targets on the shelf? I guess its better then back in the day when we would shoot each other with nerf guns. I love being married!

Here's some pictures of the puppies that I love....

And soon I will have a video of the man that I love, it hilarious and definitely worth the wait! Stay tuned!

Love you all!