Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Surprise #2!!!!!

So as you probably all know by know Aaron and I are expecting our first baby. A doctor once told us we could never have kids and all I really want to say to him is...well, its not appropriate, but if any of you really know me please fill in the blanks.

Currently I am at 17 weeks and coming up in a couple weeks we get to find out what it is! I am beyond ecstatic!

My first trimester was less then appealing, but thank goodness teachers have summers off. I was sick! Some days were better than others, but from week 7 until about week 12 or 13 I was miserable. As soon as school started though I started to feel better and now I feel great. I'm tired a lot, but at least I can say goodbye morning sickness. Although it was night sickness for me, but the point is that its over! We can't wait to find out what it is so we can really start planning and narrowing down bedding and names. We feel so blessed to be entering the world of parenthood. :)

Other great news is Aaron finally has a job! He is a case manager for MHMR in the Early Childhood Intervention program. He work with kids 0-3 years of age and assess how they are meeting their milestones. He loves it and I love it form him. The only hard part is that he works in Amarillo which is an hours drive from our home in Clarendon.

Another great thing is we finally have a home. Again we are just renting, but we really want to see where the next few years take us so renting is perfect for us right now. Its a cute 3 bedroom 2 bath home with a fence for our puppies to play. It's plenty of space for us to start a family. I miss my family back in Houston, but so far God has blessed us with jobs, a home, and a new baby so moving here was part of His plan all along. Who knew I could ever live in small town? I'm surprising myself!


Amy, Aaron, Belle, Apollo and Baby Kidd :)